星期一, 四月 02, 2007


《联合早报-- 四方八面》 2007年4月2日



我喜欢“粉丝”这个名词。虽然有人认为它是英文词“fan” (某些学者认为这是 “fanatic” 的缩写,其他则认为这字来自 “ fancy”)翻译过来的,不是纯洁汉语,但我总觉得它涵盖的意思比它所取代的某某“迷”字广:“粉丝”包含了对某事物或人有特别爱好而沉醉,和对所爱事物有支持的意思。这词从字面上看起来也甚美,轻轻柔柔的,没有“迷”字那种分辨不清,失去判断能力的含义。此外,一句“粉丝”囊括了影迷、足球迷、漫画迷,甚至是文学迷、音乐迷、戏剧迷等多种名词, 多么的经济实惠!


会做“粉丝”,就是因为世间一些美丽的人、事、物让我们为之动容,在赞叹之余,心弦也被挑动了。听到一首华美优游的钢琴曲,看到一部经典佳作的影片,或者只是见到一位有魅力的人,都不免会对演奏者或演员产生了激赏和仰慕的心情,进而被吸引住,想重复听那首曲,看那部戏,接近那个人。所以做“粉丝”应该是以爱惜、赞美的心态出发,为的是想保存那个当初的美好;却不是疯狂迷恋,倾家荡产,残害肢体来博取心中爱慕对象的注意,甚至做出与偶像同归于尽歇斯底里的行动。因为这已不是单纯“粉丝”对完美的陶醉, 而是一种病态了。





杨姓女“粉丝”的家属为了圆她与偶像相见的梦,不惜卖掉房子, 跟亲朋好友借钱, 父亲还想卖肾筹钱,千里迢迢跑到香港。怎知后来杨小姐不满刘德华只花与他对待一般“粉丝”的时间与她相处, 所以大闹,后来杨父还跳海自杀, 以逼刘德华就范,花多一点时间在杨女身上。杨女见父亲死了,不但没有反省,清醒过来,反而更变本加厉要见刘德华。



6 条评论:

匿名 说...

Dear Prof Lan,

small typo there...吊诡


《庄子·齐物论》:“是其言也,其名为吊诡。”据唐 代陆德明《经典释文》:吊,“音的,至也”;诡,“异也”。

I'm your 粉丝 too, you are well accomplised in every aspect!

Your student in one module

蓝璐璐 Lan Luh Luh 说...

Thanks!!! Thanks so much for pointing it out! Yes, was a typo :-(

I have corrected it -- this is what happens when I try to write fast without reading it twice before posting :-)

Thanks so much for visiting my blog (to quote someone, I thought nobody reads my blog :-) and it is basically for self-amusement :-)). Really glad that you did.

Thanks also for being my "粉丝", although I don't think I deserve it :-)

Luh Luh

Solo Estoy 说...

I saw your article in 早报 and found the author's name kinda familiar (I only know you as Lan Luh Luh), and I suspect it's you indeed as the content was very "legal", :)

To confirm this I googled your name and was linked here! read most of the articles and was amazed at how good your chinese is...文笔很好,不会矫揉造作+无病呻吟like most of the comtemporary chinese lit works I read :p So I will be a faithful fan of your column :)

By the way, I was in your module "legal environment of biz" back in late 2005 =)

蓝璐璐 Lan Luh Luh 说...

Thanks! I am pleasantly suprised that you found this blog actually :-)

I have been writing Chinese articles and essays for the newspapers since my secondary school days --- partly as a hobby and partly to earn pocket money :-). However, I stopped writing some 10 years ago because my children were very young then (well, they are still very young now... sigh...). Zaobao's editors have always been very kind and all these times, they would call me occasionally to check whether I was ready to return to write for them. Therefore, here I am :-).

I am glad that you could see that the articles contain some "legal" elements -- I intend them to be so in order to distinguish my articles from the other authors' and to impart some general legal knowledge to the masses. But it is not easy trying to weave in the "legal" portions and still ensure that the article remains readable everytime :-)So sometimes, I will write something lighter.

I am impressed that Biz ad students read Chinese classics and contemporary Chinese lit work -- were you from Biz ad or were you a cross-fac student? Keep it up! I always feel very proud to be a Chinese and more so to know the Chinese language. I am sure you are too :-)

Keep in touch (whether through my blog or just dropping me an email)!

Luh Luh

匿名 说...

hi Luh2,

I really like your articles. I think I came across your blog a few months ago (can't remember how) and now I have been looking forward to read it every week. The things that you write are very close to my heart, esp. those about your thoughts on friends, your hubby and children.

I remember your name as it is very special. I had read your articles (you were studying in RGS then) when I was in pri or sec school.

Your fan,
Bee Yong
(working part-time with 3 children ages 8 to 13)

蓝璐璐 Lan Luh Luh 说...

Hi Bee Yong,

Wow! Thanks! This is another pleasant surprise :-)

I am elated to know that there are friends around who have read and still remember my articles I wrote back in those days (and you still remember that I was from RGS! Wow!). I have never re-published them, as in a book (except for one with Hwa Chong JC) -- although my mom has cut and kept all my old articles -- and therefore you must have seen them just once as they appeared in the newspapers. Yet, you still remember the articles (I must thank my father for giving me the very special name :-). Sincerely, I am very touched :-)

I am also happy to learn that you like what I have written -- well, as I have said in one of my articles, I can only write what I know and understand. I am a mom to 2 children (9 and 12), a wife, a daughter and a full-time employee of a big organisation, although I do feel the duty to contribute to the society by sharing some of my specialist knowledge with the general public.

Thanks again for your most encouraging words and hope to see you again in my blog.

Luh Luh